Unveiling Aiko

Multimodal AI-Powered Digital Sensei

Hello everyone,

Today’s Misofluent newsletter is special, as we are also annoucing Aiko!

She is a new way to master Japanese. Meta/Facebook recently released some research previews of “Multimodal language models” which is a further enhancement of the new generative ai tools to render real-ish sounding speech and vocal comprehension (understand what you say).

I was very impressed with this tech so far, and I believe that blending it with Japanese Complete’s one-of-a-kind curriculum is the perfect secret sauce to mastering Japanese rapidly!

Whether you want to learn as a beginner, or go for a more intermediate level, or eventually be fully fluent, Aiko can help you get to where you want to go. You can make friends in Japanese, watch shows without subs, and start living a life wholly immersed in Japanese culture and language, with Aiko’s help! You could read kanji on shirts that people wear, or understand how to read a menu at the local Japanese place. Lots and lots of learning opportunities and no matter what your goals, Aiko has got you covered. We have a special presale opportunity because the MMLM are not widely available yet, if you are interested in supporting our work for Aiko we would really appreciate it and we are offering a very nice introductory rate with Aiko for people willing to help us in the presale, consider it a token of our gratitude for your continued support.

Aiko will guide you along the Japanese Complete curriculum and help you not only learn to read and write, but to have natural conversations in Japanese as well!

We have big plans for Aiko and we hope you’ll join us. We will be posting updates about her progress in this newsletter, still to always have a Haiku and Artwork (!) we hope you do not mind, if you don’t like it you can always unsubscribe. For those of you sticking with us, we really appreciate your continued enthusiastic support and it is our goal to deliver the best Japanese learning materials out there! For fast, effective, long-term retention and that is built with exploring actual Japan and Japanese media in mind, look no further than Japanese Complete and the soon-to-be immense combination of MMLM-powered Aiko and our cutting-edge interface and knowledge-base for her.

To support our work and hook our customers up, we are offering a special presale rate of $79.99 for the first year for full access to Aiko once she’s ready. (Stripe Checkout Link)


Haiku: 清きまで青田風吹く浅黄葉
Transliteration: Kiyoki made aota kaze fuku asaki ba
Translation: Until it's clear, the breeze blows through the green fields, light yellow leaves.

Fine Wind, Red Sky (36 Views of Fuji から)

Until it’s clear,
through green fields the breeze blows,
through glimmering yellow leaves.